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Burn bright blue pack:
Este pack cuesta:  37.500 starchips
Cartas totales =  124
Cartas (common) =  80
Cartas (Rare) =  10
Cartas (Super rare) =  28
Cartas (Ultra rare) =  6

7 colored fish (common)
Acrobat monkey (common)
Amphibian beast (common)
Amulet of ambition (super rare)
Ancient rules (ultra rare)
Aqua madoor (common)
Backup soldier (common)
Battle footballer (super rare)
Beast of talwar (common)
Birthright (rare)
Bunilla (super rare)
Champion`s vigilance (super rare)
Coach goblin (common)
Common charity (common)
Cosmo queen (common)
Creature seizure (super rare)
Creepy coney (super rare)
D.D. trainer (common)
Delta attacker (common)
Dust barrier (common)
Faustian bargain (ultra rare)
Frostosaurus (rare)
Gene-warped warwolf (super rare)
Giant kozaky (common)
Gil garth (common)
Great angus (common)
Heart of the underdog (ultra rare)
Huge revolution (common)
Humanoid slime (common)
Hunter dragon (super rare)
Inpachi (common)
Island turtle (common)
Jerry beans man (super rare)
Justi-break (super rare)
Kozaky (common)
Labyrinth wall (common)
Luster dragon (super rare)
Luster dragon 2 (common)
Mad dog of darkness (super rare)
Mad lobster (super rare)
Man-thro`tro` (common)
Master kyonshee (common)
Morinphen (super rare)
Mushroom man (common)
Natural tune (common)
Neo aqua madoor (common)
Nin-ken dog (common)
Non-spellcasting area (super rare)
Ojama black (common)
Ojama blue (super rare)
Ojama green (common)
Ojama king (super rare)
Ojama knight (rare)
Ojama red (super rare)
Ojama trio (ultra rare)
Ojama yellow (common)
Ojamagic (super rare)
Ojamuscle (common)
Opticlops (common)
Order to charge (common)
Order to smash (common)
Orichalcos shunoros (super rare)
Over limit (common)
Prevent rat (common)
Rabidragon (common)
Robotic knight (common)
Sabersaurus (super rare)
Sengenjin (common)
Shadow specter (common)
Shining abyss (common)
Silent doom (super rare)
Sonic duck (super rare)
Soul resurrection (super rare)
Soul tiger (super rare)
Spiral serpent (common)
Spirit caller (common)
Thousand energy (common)
Triangle power (common)
Tri-wight (super rare)
Wall shadow (common)
White elephant`s gift (ultra rare)
Wingweaver (common)
Zoa (common)

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