Este pack cuesta: 50.000 starchips
Cartas totales =85
Cartas (common) =39
Cartas (Rare) =9
Cartas (Super rare) =32
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5
Abyssal kingshark (super
Airorca (super rare)
Aqua jet (super rare)
Beelze frog
Big jaws
Blaze accelerator (super rare)
Cannonball spear shellfish (common)
Cranium fish (super rare)
Creeping doom manta (common)
D.3.S. frog
Deep sea diva (ultra
Des croaking
Des frog (super rare)
Drill barnacle (super rare)
Dude frog (rare)
Fish and kicks
Fish depth charge (super rare)
Fish rain (super rare)
Fishbord blaster (ultra
Flip flop frog (super rare)
Friller rabca (super rare)
Frog the jam
Froggy forcefield (super rare)
Gaia soul the combustible
(super rare)
Golden flying fish (super rare)
Hamon, lord of striking thunder (super rare)
Hydra viper
Invasion of flames (common)
Mermaid archer (super rare)
Molten zombie
Needle sunfish (super rare)
Nimble manta
Nimble sunfish (super rare)
Ocean`s keeper (common)
Oh fish! (super rare)
Orca mega-fortress of darkness (common)
Piranha army (super rare)
Poison draw frog (common)
Poseidon wave
Power of kaishin (common)
Rage of the deep sea (super rare)
Ronintoadin (ultra rare)
Royal firestorm guards (rare)
Royal swamp eel (super rare)
Sea dragon lord gishilnodon (rare)Shark stickers (rare)
Skull kraken
Skystarray (super rare)
Soul of fire
Spearfish soldier (common)
Spined gillman
Submarine frog
Superancient deepsea king (ultra
rare)Surface (rare)
Swap frog (rare)
T.A.D.P.O.L.E. (common)
The dragon dwelling in the deep (common)
The great emperor penguin (rare)
The thing in the crater (common)
Thousand-eyes jellyfish
Torpedo fish
Treeborn frog (ultra
Tri-blaze accelerator (common)
Underworld egg clutch (super rare)
Unifrog (super rare)
Uria, lord of searing flames (super rare)
Volcanic blaster (common)
Volcanic counter (rare)
Volcanic doomfire (common)
Volcanic hammerer (common)
Volcanic queen (super rare)
Volcanic rat
Volcanic recharge (common)
Volcanic rocket (rare)
Volcanic scattershot (super rare)
Volcanic shell (super rare)
Volcanic slicer (super rare)
Wetlands (super rare)
Wild fire
Wingtortoise (super rare)
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