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Gardening in the wild pack:
Este pack cuesta:  45.000 starchips
Cartas totales =99
Cartas (common) =52
Cartas (Rare) =12
Cartas (Super rare) =29
Cartas (Ultra rare) =6

Abyss soldier (ultra rare)
Aqua spirit (super rare) 
Armed sea hunter (super rare)  
Big wave small wave (super rare)  
Blizzard warrior (common) 
Codarus (super rare) 
Cold enchanter (common)  
Cursed fig (common)
Cyber shark (super rare) 
Deep diver (common)  
Deepsea macrotrema (common) 
Deepsea warrior (common)  
Eisbahn (super rare) 
Eternal drought (common) 
Evigishki merrowgeist (ultra rare) 
Evigishki mind augus (super rare) 
Evigishki tetrogre (super rare)        
Fenrir (super rare) 
Genex ally solid (common)  
Genex undine (rare) 
Gishki abyss (super rare) 
Gishki aquamirror (common)  
Gishki beast (rare)  
Gishki chain (common) 
Gishki diviner (super rare) 
Gishki marker (common)  
Gishki mollusk (common) 
Gishki noellia (common)  
Gishki reliever (common)
Gishki shadow (super rare)        
Gishki vanity (common) 
Gishki vision (rare) 
Guardian kay`est (common)  
Hydro genex (super rare) 
Hydro pressure cannon (super rare) 
Ice master (common) 
Jawsman (super rare)
Lekunga (super rare) 
Mermaid knight (common)  
Mobius the frost monarch (ultra rare) 
Moray of greed (ultra rare)  
Mother grizzly (rare)  
Nightmare penguin (super rare)  
Oyster meister (super rare) 
Raging eria (common)  
Rod of silence - kay`est (super rare) 
Salvage (super rare)
Shark cruiser (common)  
Silent abyss (common) 
Skreech (common)  
Snowman eater (ultra rare)  
Star boy (common) 
Steel shell (common)  
Suijin (super rare) 
Tornado wall (super rare) 
Umiiruka (rare)
Unshaven angler (super rare) 
Warrior of atlantis (super rare) 
Water hazard (rare)

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