pagina 3 - 002

The truths within me 2 pack:
Este pack cuesta:  32.500 starchips
Cartas totales =134
Cartas (common) =54
Cartas (Rare) =40
Cartas (Super rare) =27
Cartas (Ultra rare) =13

A legendary ocean (common) 
Alluer of darkness (rare)  
Armageddon knight (ultra rare) 
Armed dragon Lv5 (common) 
Armed dragon Lv7 (super rare) 
Arsenal summoner (common) 
Barkion`s bark (rare)  
Black ray lancer (rare)  
Codarus (common) 
Cyber shark (super rare) 
Daigusto falcos (rare)  
Daigusto gulldos (super rare) 
Dark end dragon (ultra rare) 
Dark eruption (common)  
Dark nephthys (common)  
Doomsday horror (super rare) 
Dragon mastery (super rare) 
Dragon ravine (super rare) 
Dragunity partisan (rare)  
Eisbahn (common)  
Evigishki gustkraken (super rare) 
Evigishki tetrogre (super rare) 
Evolsaur vulcano (rare)  
Exterio`s fang (common)  
Fabled krus (common)  
Fabled kushano (rare)  
Fabled raven (common) 
Fabled soulkius (common) 
Fenrir (rare)  
Flamvell commando (rare)  
Flamvell guard (rare)  
Flamvell magician (ultra rare)  
Flying kamakiri 1 (common)  
Gaia power (common) 
Garuda the wind spirit (ultra rare)  
Gem-knight amber (common) 
Gem-knight crystal (super rare) 
Gem-knight iolite (common)  
Gem-knight ruby (rare)  
Gem-turtle (super rare) 
Genex ally crusher (rare)  
Genex ally triforce (common)  
Genex neutron (rare)  
Geo genex (common) 
Gigantes (rare)  
Gishki beast (ultra rare) 
Gishki diviner (rare)  
Gusto codor (rare)  
Hydro genex (super rare) 
Inferno (rare)  
Jawsman (super rare) 
Jurrac gallim (common)  
Jurrac giganoto (super rare) 
Jurrac velo (super rare) 
Kaizer sea horse (super rare) 
Kazejin (super rare) 
Laval burner (rare)  
Laval dual slasher (common)  
Laval stennon (rare)  
Lavalval dragun (rare)  
Lavalval ignis (common) 
Leodrake`s mane (common)  
Light end dragon (rare)  
Luminous spark (common)
Maha vailo (common) 
Mother grizzly (common) 
Mystic tomato (super rare) 
Nature exterio (common) 
Naturia dragonfly (common)  
Naturia leodrake (common)  
Naturia pumpkin (common) 
Nightmare penguin (rare)  
Overwind (rare)  
Rainbow dark dragon (common)  
Rising air current (common) 
Rod of silence - kay`est (super rare) 
Saber slash (super rare) 
Salvage (super rare) 
Sanga of the thunder (super rare) 
Steelswarm longhorn (common)  
Steelswarm roach (common)  
Suijin (ultra rare)  
The beginning of the end (super rare) 
The fabled chawa (super rare) 
The rock spirit (common) 
Thunder end dragon (ultra rare) 
Umiiruka (common) 
Unshaven angler (ultra rare) 
Vylon cube (common) 
Vylon disigma (rare)  
Vylon element (super rare) 
Vylon hept (rare)  
Vylon omega (common) 
Vylon sphere (rare)  
W nebula meteorite (common) 
Warrior of atlantis (ultra rare)  
Windmill genex (common)  
Worm illidan (super rare) 
Worm linx (common)  
Worm victory (ultra rare) 
X-saber pashuul (common)  
XX-saber boggart knight (rare)  
XX-saber darksoul (common) 
XX-saber ragigura (common)  

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