Este pack cuesta: 60.000 starchips
Cartas totales = 54
Cartas (common) = 37
Cartas (Rare) = 2
Cartas (Super rare) = 12
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 3
Archfiend general (common)
Archfiend soldier (common)
Archfiend`s oath (common)
Archfiend`s roar (common)
Cyber archfiend (super rare)
Cybernetic cyclopean (common)
Damage gate
Damage translation (common)
Darkbishop archfiend (common)
Depth amulet
Desrook archfiend (common)
Destructive draw (common)
Fire darts (super rare)
Hate buster
Hundred eyes dragon (super rare)
Impreisoned queen archfiend (common)
Infernalqueen archfiend (common)
Infernity archfiend (ultra rare)
Infernity avenger (super rare)
Infernity barrier (super rare)
Infernity beast (common)
Infernity beetle (rare)
Infernity break (super rare)
Infernity destroyer (super rare)
infernity dwarf (common)
Infernity force (common)
Infernity guardian (super rare)
Infernity inferno (rare)
Infernity knight (common)
Infernity launcher (ultra rare)
Infernity mirage (ultra rare)
Infernity necromancer (super rare)
Infernity randomizer (common)
Infernity reflector (common)
Into the void (super rare)
Limit impulse
Magical explosion (super rare)
Mechanical hound (common)
Pandemonium watchbear (common)
Phantom hand
Pride of the weak (common)
Reborn zombie
Return zombie (common)
Shadowknight archfiend (common)
Skull archfiend of lightining (common)
Terrorking archfiend (common)
Ultimate obedient fiend (common)
Vilepawn archfiend (common)
Vorse raider
Wave-motion inferno (common)
Zero-max (super rare)
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