Este pack cuesta: 45.000 starchips
Cartas totales = 100
Cartas (common) = 40
Cartas (Rare) = 30
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 10
A legendary ocean (common)
Amazonees queen (rare)
Amazonees village (common)
Apprentice magician (super rare)
Aussa the earth charmer
(ultra rare)
Baby tiragon
Black ray lander (super rare)
Blackwing armed wing (common)
Blizzard dragon (common)
Burden of the mighty (common)
Cards for black feathers (common)
Chain dog
Chevalier de fleur
Code a ancient ruins (rare)
Crimson blader (rare)
Crush card virus (ultra rare)
Damage condenser (common)
Dark dust spirit (common)
Dark grepher (rare)
Darklord zerato (rare)
Debris dragon (rare)
Des lacooda (super rare)
Divine sword - phoenix blade (rare)
Dragunity knight - barcha
Dread dragon (rare)
Dupe frog (super rare)
Elemental hero the shining (rare)
Eria the water charmer (super rare)
Fabled valkyrus (common)
Flamvell magician (rare)
Forbidden chalice (common)
Fossil dig (ultra rare)
Gaap the divine soldier (common)
Gaia power
Genex ally triarm (rare)
Gishki ariel (rare)
Goblin king (ultra rare)
Great maju garzett (rare)
Heat wave
Horus the black flame dragon Lv6 (super rare)
Hushed psychic clericC (super rare)
Intercept wave (super rare)
Judgment of thunder (common)
Junk synchron (super rare)
Jurrac meteor (ultra rare)
Karakuri merchant mdl 177
(super rare)
King of the beasts (rare)
Level conversion lab (super rare)
Light end dragon (ultra rare)
Lumina, lightsworm summoner (common)
Machina gearframe (rare)
Machine duplication (common)
Magic jammer
Magician`s valkyria (super rare)
Mask of darkness (common)
Maxx `c` (super rare)
Metal reflect slime
Mist valley thunderbird (common)
Morphtronic map (ultra rare)
Mystic box (super rare)
Naturia mantis (rare)
Neo space (rare)
Nobleman of extermination
Offerings to the doomed (common)
Overload fusion (super rare)
Planet pollutant virus (common)
Pot of duality (common)
Power bond (rare)
Psychic nightmare (common)
Queen of thorns (rare)
Relinquished (super rare)
Robbin`goblin (rare)
Sacred knight joan (common)
Scrap lube
Senju of the thousand hands (super rare)
Sky scourge norleras (common)
Solar recharge (rare)
Spore (super rare)
Strong wind dragon (common)
Summoner`s art
Superalloy beast raptinus (common)
Swift scarecrow (rare)
Synchron material (super
Tethys, goddess of light (common)
The dark - hex-sealed fusion (common)
The great emperor penguin
Threatening roar (rare)
Tragoedia (ultra
Tuningware (super rare)
Vanity`s fiend (ultra rare)
Water hazard (rare)
XX-saber gardestrike (rare)
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