Este pack cuesta: 52.500 starchips
Cartas totales =76
Cartas (common) =24
Cartas (Rare) =20
Cartas (Super rare) =14
Cartas (Ultra rare) =18
Aratama (rare)
Archfiend giant (rare)
Armed protector dragon (common)
Armor kapha (super rare)
Baby raccoon tantan (common)
Battlin`boxer rib gardna (common)
Battlin`boxing spirits (super rare)
Blue duston
Bujin mikazuchi (ultra rare)
Bujin regalia - the mirror (rare)
Bujingi boar
Bujingi yata = bujingji crow (rare)
Bujingi ibis
Bujingi raven (rare)
Bujintei kagutsuchi (ultra rare)
Burst rebirth (rare)
Crimson knight vampire bram (ultra rare)
Dragorado (super rare)
Genomix fighter (ultra rare)
Ghostrick alucard (ultra rare)
Ghostrick ghoul (super rare)
Ghostrick lantern (super rare)
Ghostrick stein (common)
Ghostrick witch (common)
Ghostrick yuki-onna (common)
Ghosttrick vanish (common)
Giganticastle (rare)
Granmarg the mega monarch
(ultra rare)
Grisaille prison (rare)
Ignoble knight of high laundsallyn (ultra rare)
Intrigue shield (common)
Knight day grepher (common)
Kodomo dragon (super
Labradorite dragon (super rare)
Lady of the lake (ultra rare)
Magicalized dustom mop (common)
Malicevorous spoon (common)
Mariña, princess of sunflowers (super rare)
Mecha phantom beast sabre hawk (common)
Meliae of the trees (ultra rare)
Mistake (ultra rare)
Noble arms - excaliburn
(super rare)
Noble knight borz (super rare)
Number 46: dragluon (super rare)
Number 64: ronin raccoon
Number 65: djinn buster
Number C65: king overfiend (rare)
Number C96: dark storm (super rare)
Pot of dichotomy (ultra rare)
Pumprincess the princess of ghosts (common)
Puralis, the purple pyrotile (rare)
Return of the monarchs (ultra rare)
Risebell the star psycher (common)
Sacred noble knight of king (ultra rare)
Secret sect druid dru (common)
Shadow vampire (ultra rare)
Sinister yorishiro (ultra rare)
Sirius the blue dog star
(ultra rare)
Soul drain dragon (common)
Swarm of crows (rare)
Swords at dawn (rare)
Token christmas (rare)
Vampire duke (rare)
Vampire grace
Vampire hunter (super rare)
Vampire sorcerer (ultra rare)
Vampire takeover (super rare)
Vivit knight (rare)
Yellow-bellied oni (common)
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