Este pack cuesta: 35.000 starchips
Cartas totales = 128
Cartas (common) = 83
Cartas (Rare) = 11
Cartas (Super rare) = 29
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5
Alector, sovereign of birds (rare)
Anarchist ranshin (super rare)
Anti-magic prism (common)
Appointer of the red lotus (common)
Aurora paragon
Banisher of the light (common)
Banisher of the radiance
(super rare)
Big burn
Big-tusked mammoth (common)
Chaos end
Chaos greed
Chaos hunter (super rare)
Chaos trap hole (common)
Cloak and dagger (common)
Consecrated light (rare)
Convulsion of nature (common)
Corridor of agony (common)
Crevice into the different (common)
D.D. assailant (super rare)
D.D. crazy beast (common)
D.D. destroyer
D.D. guide
D.D. scout plane (common)
D.D. survivor (super rare)
D.D. warrior (super rare)
D.D.M. - different dimension (common)
Des wombat
Different dimension ground (common)
Dimension fortress weapon (common)
Dimensional alchemist (common)
Dimensional fissure (super
Doomcaliber knight (ultra rare)
Droll & lock bird (super
Fog king (super rare)
Forbidden graveyard (common)
Fossil dyna pachycephalo
Goblin of greed (common)
Goblin pothole squad (super rare)
Golden homunculus (common)
Gozen match (super rare)
Grand convergence (common)
Grave of the super ancient (rare)
Grave protector (common)
Gravekeeper`s servant (super rare)
Gren maju da eiza (common)
Guard dog
Heat wave (rare)
Helios - the primordial sun (common)
Helios duo megistus (common)
Helios trice megistus (common)
Imperial iron wall (super rare)
Infinite dismissal (common)
Insect soldiers of the sky (common)
Invader from another dimension (common)
Invader of darkness (common)
Jinzo - lord
Jinzo - returner (common)
Jinzo (rare)
Jowgen the spiritualist
(super rare)
Kaiser colosseum (common)
Karakuri spider (common)
Kinetic soldier (common)
King tiger wanghu (super rare)
Kycoo the ghost destroyer
(super rare)
Leeching the light (common)
Light and darkness dragon
Light of destruction (common)
Light of intervention (super rare)
Light-imprisoning mirror
(super rare)
Luminous soldier (common)
Macro cosmos (super rare)
Mask of restrict (super rare)
Maxx `c` (rare)
Mischief of the yokai (common)
Neko mane king
Out of the blue (common)
Peeking goblin
Penumbral soldier lady (common)
Power filter
Powersing stone (super rare)
Protector of the sanctuary (common)
Return fron the different
(ultra rare)
Rivalry of warlords (super rare)
Royal command
Royal decree (ultra rare)
Royal oppression (rare)
Sage of silence (common)
Sage of stillness (common)
Scary moth
Seal of wickedness (common)
Sealmaster meisei (common)
Shadow-imprisoning mirror
(super rare)
Silent insect
Skill drain (ultra rare)
Sky scourge invicil (common)
Snap dragon
Soul absorption (common)
Soul release
Soundproofed (super rare)
Spell canceller (common)
Spellstone sorcerer karood (common)
Strike ninja
Stygian dirge
Summon limit
Summoning curse (rare)
Synchro control (super rare)
Talisman of spell sealing (common)
Talisman of the sealing (common)
Terminal world
Testudo erat numen (common)
The end of anubis (super rare)
Thunder king rai-oh (ultra rare)
Tokkosho of ghost destroying (common)
Transmigration break (common)
Tribe-shocking virus (super rare)
Tuner`s scheme (super
Vanity`s emptiness (super rare)
Vanity`s ruler
Vanityps fiend (rare)
Weed out
Whrilwind weasel (common)
With doctor of chaos (common)
Zeta reticulant (common)
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