Este pack cuesta: 40.000 starchips
Cartas totales = 114
Cartas (common) = 75
Cartas (Rare) = 10
Cartas (Super rare) = 23
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 6
Abyssal designator (common)
Aegis of gaia (super rare)
Altar for tribute (common)
Assault on GHQ
Bad reaction to simochi
Book of eclipse (rare)
Brain jacker
Brutal potion
Bubble crash
Burning algae
Burning land
Cannon soldier
Cannon soldier MK-2 (common)
Card destruction (ultra rare)
Catapult turtle (super rare)
Chain burst
Chain energy (rare)
Chainsaw insect (super rare)
Coffin seller (common)
Contract with exodia (common)
Cure mermaid
Curse of darkness (common)
D.D. designator (common)
Dark cure
Dark designator (common)
Dark room of nightmare (rare)
Dark snake syncrome (super rare)
Destiny board (super rare)
Disturbance strategy (common)
Draining shield (super rare)
Drop off (super rare)
Elephant statue of blessing (common)
Enchanted javelin (common)
Energy-absorbing monolith (common)
Exodia necross
Exodia the forbidden one
(ultra rare)
Exodius the ultimate forbidden (super rare)
Fatal abacus
Final countdown (ultra rare)
Fire princess (super rare)
Gem flash energy (common)
Gift card (ultra rare)
Gift of the mystical elf (common)
Goblin thief
Golden ladybug (super rare)
Graverobber`s retribution (common)
Great phantom thief (common)
Greed (super rare)
Gryphon`s feather duster (common)
Heavy slump
Hiro`s shadow scout (super rare)
Hysteric fairy
Introduction to gallantry (common)
Left arm of the forbidden one (common)
Left leg of the forbidden one (common)
Legacy hunter
Life absorbing machine (common)
Magical thorn
Marie the fallen one (super rare)
Mask of dispel
Masked sorcerer (common)
Mefist the infernal general (common)
Mind crush (ultra rare)
Minor goblin official (common)
Mirage tube
Mushroom man 2 (super rare)
Mysterious puppetear (common)
Mystik wok (super rare)
Necroface (ultra rare)
Needle worm (rare)
Nimble mononga (rare)
Numinous healer (common)
Nutrient z
Ominous forunetelling (super rare)
Rainbow life (rare)
Rapid-fire magician (super rare)
Right arm of the forbidden one (common)
Right leg of the forbidden one (common)
Rigorous reaver (super rare)
Robbin`goblin (rare)
Sebek`s blessing (common)
Secrets of the gallant (common)
Skull invitation (common)
Skull-mark ladybug (common)
Smoke grenade of the thief (common)
Solemn wishes (super rare)
Soul taker (super rare)
Spell absorption (common)
Spirit message "A" (common)
Spirit message "I" (common)
Spirit message "L" (common)
Spirit message "N" (common)
Spring of rebirth (common)
Stray asmodian
Supremacy berry (common)
Terrible deal
The bistro butcher (super rare)
The eye of truth (super rare)
The immortal of thunder (common)
The secret of the bandit (common)
The spell absorbing life (common)
Thunder crash (common)
Token thanksgiving (common)
Type zero magic crusher
(super rare)
Upstart goblin (rare)
White doctor of sparta (common)
White magical hat (common)
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