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Rule the field pack:
Este pack cuesta:  40.000 starchips
Cartas totales =113
Cartas (common) =  71
Cartas (Rare) = 11
Cartas (Super rare) = 26
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5

Abaki (common)
Abare ushioni (common)
Absolute crusader (super rare)
Atomic firefly (common)
Balloon lizard (common)
Black horn of heaven (super rare)
Blast asmodian (common)
Blast juggler (common)
Blast sphere (rare)
Bountiful artemis (super rare)
Ceasefire (ultra rare)
Cementary bomb (common)
Chain healing (common)
Chain strike (ultra rare)
Chain summoning (super rare)
Chaos burst (common)
Chivalry (rare)
Chthonian blast (common)
Combo fighter (common)
Combo master (common)
Counter counter (common)
D.D. dynamite (common)
Dark bribe (ultra rare)
Debunk (super rare)
Dice jar (common)
Divine wrath (rare)
Dora of fate (common)
Emergency provisions (super rare)
Evil blast (common)
Fire sorcerer (common)
Full salvo (common)
Gemini imps (common)
Giant germ (super rare)
Herald of green light (super rare)
Hero`s rule 2 (common)
Icy crevasse (common)
Jar of greed (super rare)
Jar turtle (common)
Jigen bakudan (common)
Lightning punisher (super rare)
Magic cylinder (ultra rare)
Magic drain (common)
Malfunction (common)
Masked chopper (common)
Mecha bunny (common)
Mecha-dog marron (super rare)
Meteor of destruction (super rare)
Miraculous rebirth (super rare)
Misfortune (common)
Mooyan curry (common)
Needle ball (common)
Needle burrower (common)
Negate attack (super rare)
Nimble musasabi (common)
Nitro unit (common)
Ookazi (common)
Poison mummy (common)
Pulling the rug (super rare)
Reflect bounder (super rare)
Royal surrender (common)
Self-destruct button (super rare)
Solemn judgment (ultra rare)
Spell vanishing (common)
Swallow flip (common)
Token feastevil (common)
Trap jammer (common)
Tremendous fire (super rare)
Trojan blast (common)
Vanity`s call (common)
Winged rhynos (super rare)
Zoma the spirit (super rare)

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