pagina 2 - 003

Boy on the podium pack:
Este pack cuesta:  52.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 83
Cartas (common) = 51
Cartas (Rare) = 7
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5

B. skull dragon (common)
Burst breath (common)
Cave dragon (common)
Cyberdark edge (common)
Cyberdark horn (common)
Cyberdark impact! (super rare)
Cyberdark keel (common)
D. tribe (common)
Decoy dragon (super rare)
Des volstgalph (super rare)
Dragon ice (common)
Dragon piper (common)
Dragon seeker (common)
Dragon treasure (common)
Dragon`s mirror (ultra rare)
Dragon`s rage (common)
Dragonic guard (common)
Element dragon (common)
Exploder dragon (super rare)
Felgrand dragon (common)
Five-headed dragon (ultra rare)
Genesis dragon (common)
Golem dragon (common)
Gray wing (common)
Infernal dragon (common)
Inferno fire blast (super rare)
Kaibaman (rare)
Kaiser glider (super rare)
King dragun (super rare)
Lancer lindwurm (common)
Lava dragon (common)
Lord of d. (super rare)
Mirage dragon (common)
Phantom dragon (common)
Prime material dragon (ultra rare)
Red-eyes b. dragon (super rare)
Spear dragon (common)
Spirit ryu (common)
Stamping destruction (super rare)
Super rejuvenation (super rare)
Tiger dragon (common)
Totem dragon (rare)
Trident dragion (ultra rare)
Troop dragon (common)
Twin-headed behemoth (super rare)
Tyrant dragon (common)
White-horned dragon (super rare)

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