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Ancient rituals pack:
Este pack cuesta: 52.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 82
Cartas (common) = 49
Cartas (Rare) =8
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5

A cat of ill omen (super rare)
An owl of luck (common)
Ancient lamp (super rare)
Anti-spell (common)
Arcane barrier (common)
Arcanite magician (ultra rare)
Armor exe (common)
Blast magician (common)
Blizzard princess (super rare)
Chaos sorcerer (ultra rare)
Crusader of endymion (super rare)
Dark red enchanter (super rare)
Dark valkyria (common)
Disenchanter (common)
Explosive magician (super rare)
Gharm of shabti (common)
Gravekeeper`s chief (super rare)
Gravekeeper`s stele (super rare)
Ice queen (common)
Knight`s title (common)
Legendary flame lord (super rare)
Magical blast (super rare)
Magical marionette (super rare)
Magicat (common)
Magician`s circle (ultra rare)
Magicians unite (common)
Magidog (common)
Miracle flipper (common)
Miracle knight (common)
Necrovalley (ultra rare)
Pixie knight (common)
Rite of spirit (common)
Royal magical library (super rare)
Royal tribute (super rare)
The tricky (ultra rare)
Tower of babel (super rare)
Tricky spell 4 (common)

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