Este pack cuesta: 52.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 84
Cartas (common) = 48
Cartas (Rare) = 8
Cartas (Super rare) = 23
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5
Absorbing kid from the sky (common)
Airknight parshath (common)
Angel O7 (super rare)
Arcana call
Arcana force ex - the dark ruler (super rare)
Arcana force ex - the light ruler (super rare)
Arcana force I - the magician (common)
Arcana force III - the empress (common)
Arcana force IV - the emperor (common)
Arcana force VI - the lovers (common)
Arcana force VII - the chariot (common)
Arcana force XIV - temperance (common)
Arcana force XVIII - the moon (common)
Arcana force XXI - the world (super rare)
Archlord zerato (super rare)
Athena (rare)
Cards from the sky (rare)
Celestial transformation
(super rare)
Cestus of dagla (common)
Cloudian - acid cloud (common)
Cloudian - altus (common)
Cloudian - cirrostratus (common)
Cloudian - eye of the typhoon (super rare)
Cloudian - ghost fog (common)
Cloudian - nimbusman (common)
Cloudian - poison cloud (common)
Cloudian - sheep cloud (super rare)
Cloudian - smoke ball (common)
Cloudian - turbulence (super rare)
Cloudian squall (common)
Cloudian- storm dragon (super rare)
Court of justice (rare)
Darklord asmodeus (ultra rare)
Darklord desire (ultra rare)
Darklord edeh arae
Darklord superbia (ultra rare)
Diamond-dust cyclone
Divine punishment (super rare)
Element valkyrie
Fog control (common)
Gellenduo (rare)
Guardian angel joan (common)
Hecatrice (super rare)
Light barrier
Light of judgment (common)
Lucky cloud
Majestic mech - goryu (super rare)
Majestic mech - ohka (super rare)
Majestic mech - senku (common)
Master hyperion (ultra rare)
Mazera deville (super rare)
Miraculous descent (super rare)
Mystical shine ball (common)
Natural disaster (common)
Neo-parshath, the sky paladin (common)
Nova summoner (rare)
Radiant jeral
Raging cloudian (common)
Rain storm
Reversal of fate (common)
Royal knight
Silver bow and arrow (common)
Sky scourge enrise (super rare)
Splendid venus (rare)
St. joan
Summon cloud (super rare)
Tethys, goddess of light
The agent of creation - venus (common)
The agent of force - mars (common)
The agent of judgment - saturn (common)
The agent of miracles - jupiter (super rare)
The agent of mystery - earth (rare)
The agent of wisdom - mercury (common)
The sanctuary in the sky
(super rare)
Tualatin (super rare)
Valhalla, hall of the fallen (ultra
Victoria (super rare)
Warrior of zera (common)
White night queen (common)
Zeradias, herald of heaven (super rare)
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