Este pack cuesta: 42.500 starchips
Cartas totales =109
Cartas (common) =59
Cartas (Rare) =13
Cartas (Super rare) =28
Cartas (Ultra rare) =9
A deal with dark ruler (common)
Archfiend empress (super rare)
Archfiend zombie-skull (super rare)
Aswan apparition (common)
Bark of dark ruler (super rare)
Beast of the pharaoh (common)
Bersek dragon (super rare)
Big eye
Bite shoes
Blood sucker
Blue-blooded oni (rare)
Bone crusher
Book of life (rare)
Call of the mummy (super rare)
Castle of dark illusions (common)
Chopman the desperate outlaw (common)
Clown zombie
Dark energy
Dark mimic lv1 (super rare)
Dark mimic lv3
Dark necrofear (super rare)
Dark ruler ha des (rare)
Darkness neosphere (ultra rare)
Des lacooda (rare)
Desert twister (super rare)
Despais from the dark (super rare)
Diskblade rider (common)
Doom shaman (ultra rare)
Doomkaiser dragon (rare)
Element doom
Element soldier (common)
Everliving underworld cannon (common)
Evil hero infernal gainer
Exile of the wicked (common)
Fear from the dark (common)
Fushion richie
Giant axe mummy (common)
Goblin king (rare)
Goblin zombie (rare)
Grave squirmer (ultra rare)
Gravitic orb (super rare)
Great bill
Great dezard
Greed quasar
Grinder golem (ultra rare)
Il blud (super rare)
Immortal ruler
Infierno hammer (common)
Kasha (super rare)
King of the skull servants (super rare)
Mad reloader (super rare)
Malevolent mech - goku en
(super rare)
Malice ascendant (common)
Malice doll of demise (common)
Mezuki (ultra rare)
Nightmare horse (common)
Overpowering eye (super rare)
Paladin of the cursed dragon (rare)
Phantasmal martyrs (common)
Phantom of chaos (ultra rare)
Pharaoh`s servant (common)
Pharaonic protector (common)
Plague wolf (super rare)
Plaguespreader zombie (ultra rare)
Possessed dark soul (super rare)
Pumpking the king of ghosts (common)
Puppet master (rare)
Pyramid of wonders (super rare)
Pyramid turtle (rare)
Raviel, lord of phantasms
(super rare)
Reaper of the cards (common)
Reaper on the nightmare
(super rare)
Red ogre
Red-eyes zombie dragon (super rare)
Regenerating mummy (common)
Revived king ha des (ultra rare)
Royal keeper
Shadow ghoul
Shutendoji (super rare)
Skull knight 2
Skull servant (super rare)
Sky scourge norleras (rare)
Soul demolition (common)
Soul-absorbing bone tower
(super rare)
Spirit of the pharaoh (common)
Tainted wisdom
The first sarcophagus (common)
The kick man
The lady in wight (super rare)
The puppet magic of dark ruler (common)
The second sarcophagus (common)
The third sarcophagus (common)
Theban nightmare (common)
Tongue twister
Trap of the imperial tomb (common)
Twin-headed wolf (common)
Vampire genesis (common)
Vampire lady
Vampire`s curse (super rare)
Violet crystal
Wandering mummy (common)
Wightmare (super rare)
Winged minion
Zombie mammoth
Zombie master (rare)
Zombie world (ultra rare)
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