pagina 2 - 009

The ever present dark side pack:
Este pack cuesta:  47.500 starchips
Cartas totales =90
Cartas (common) =55
Cartas (Rare) =7
Cartas (Super rare) = 21
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 7

Akz, the pumer (common)
Andro sphinx (common)
Battlestom (super rare)
Beast fangs (common)
Beast rage (common)
Beast rising (common)
Beast soul swap (super rare)
Beast striker (super rare) 
Behemoth the king of all animals (super rare)
Berseking (super rare)
Birdface (common)
Catnipped kitty (common)
Chain dog (rare)
Crystal abundance (super rare)
Crystal beacon (common)
Crystal beast amethyst cat (super rare)
Crystal beast ruby carbuncle (super rare)
Crystal counter (common)
Crystal pair (common)
Crystal promise (common)
Crystal raigeki (common)
Crystal release (common)
Crystal tree (common)
Cyber shield (common)
Dark desetapir (common)
Elegant egotist (common)
Elephun (common)
Enraged battle ox (super rare)
Firebird (common)
Follow wind (common)
Harpie channler (ultra rare)
Harpie dancer (ultra rare)
Harpie girl (common)
Harpie lady (common)
Harpie lady 1 (super rare)
Harpie lady 2 (common)
Harpie lady 3 (common)
Harpie queen (super rare)
Harpie`s hunting ground (super rare)
Hysteric party (super rare)
Icarus attack (ultra rare)
Key mouse (rare)
Last resort (common)
Lock cat (rare)
Maji-gire panda (common)
Manticore of darkness (ultra rare)
Minoan centaur (common)
Moja (super rare)
Mystical moon (common)
Poison fangs (common)
Rainbow dragon (super rare)
Rainbow gravity (common)
Rainbow path (common)
Rare value (common)
Sphinx teleia (common)
Spiritual forest (super rare)
Swallow`nest (ultra rare)
The atmosphere (super rare)
Troposphere (super rare)
Vortez the whirlwind (super rare)
Wild nature`s release (super rare)

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