Este pack cuesta: 32.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 135
Cartas (common) = 84
Cartas (Rare) = 14
Cartas (Super rare) = 30
Cartas (Ultra rare) =7
A/D changer (super rare)
Advance draw
Armory arm (super rare)
Backud warrior
Batle mania
Battle waltz (super rare)
Big one warrior (common)
Blind spot strike (common)
Boost warrior (common)
Bri synchron (common)
Bright star dragon (rare)
Card breaker (common)
Card of sacrifice (common)
Cards of consonance (super rare)
Catapult warrior (super rare)
Charger synchron (common)
Confusion chaff (common)
Cosmic compass (common)
D.D. sprite (common)
D2 shield (common)
Damage eater (common)
Dash warrior (common)
Debris dragon (rare)
Defense draw (common)
Desperate tag (common)
Domino effect (common)
Doppelwarrior (rare)
Double cyclone (super rare)
Dragon knight draco-equiste (super rare)
Drill synchron (common)
Drill warrior (rare)
Earthquake giant (common)
Eccentric boy (super
Equip shot (common)
Fighting spirit (common)
Formula synchron (ultra rare)
Fortress warrior (common)
Gard rotator (common)
Gauntlet warrior (common)
Ghost gardna (common)
Give and take (common)
Graceful revival (super rare)
Half shut (common)
Healing wave generator (common)
Hope for escape (common)
Hyper synchron (common)
Junk archer (super
Junk barrage (common)
Junk berserker (super rare)
Junk blader (common)
Junk collector (super rare)
Junk defender (common)
Junk destroyer (rare)
Junk forward (common)
Junk servant (common)
Junk synchron (rare)
Junk warrior (ultra rare)
Justice bringer (super rare)
Kanikabuto (common)
Level eater (rare)
Level warrior (common)
Lightning warrior (super rare)
Limiter overload (common)
Majestic dragon (common)
Majestic star dragon (super rare)
Max warrior (common)
Miracle locus (common)
Miracle`s wake (common)
Mirror ladybug (common)
Mystic piper (super
Necro defender (super rare)
Necro linker (super
Needle soldier (common)
Nitro synchron (common)
Nitro warrior (super
One for one (ultra rare)
Power frame (common)
Prevention star (common)
Quickdraw synchron (ultra rare)
Quick-span knight (common)
Quillbolt hedgehog (rare)
Rapid warrior (common)
Reed butterfly (common)
Reinforce truth (common)
Release restraint wave (common)
Remote revenge (common)
Rescue warrior (common)
Road synchron (common)
warrior (super rare)
Rockstone warrior (common)
Salvage warrior (common)
Scarred warrior (super rare)
Scrap-iron scarecrow (rare)
Scrubbed raid (common)
Second booster (common)
Seven swords warrior (super rare)
Shield warrior (common)
Shield wing (super
Shining silver force (common)
Shooting star dragon (ultra rare)
Silver wing (common)
Skill successor (super rare)
Slip summon (common)
Sonic chick (common)
Sonic warrior (super
Speed warrior (common)
Spirit force (common)
Stardust dragon (ultra rare)
Stardust phantom (common)
Stardust shimmer (super rare)
Stardust xiaolong (super rare)
Starlight road (rare)
Swift scarecrow (rare)
Synchro barrier (common)
Synchro gift (common)
Synchro material (rare)
Synchro strike (common)
Synchron explorer (rare)
Tricular (common)
Tuner`s barrier (common)
Tuning (ultra
Tuningware (rare)
Turbo booster (common)
Turbo rocket (common)
Turbo synchron (common)
Turbo warrior (super
Turret warrior (common)
Unicycular (common)
Unknown synchron (common)
tuning (super rare)
Variety comes out (common)
Wild tornado (common)
Zero force (common)
Zero gardna (super rare)
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