pagina 3 - 009

Burning souli pack:
Este pack cuesta:  55.000 starchips
Cartas totales =69
Cartas (common) = 38
Cartas (Rare) =7
Cartas (Super rare) =20
Cartas (Ultra rare) =4

Archfiend interceptor (common)
Assault spirits (common) 
Attack gainer (common) 
Axe dragonute (super rare) 
Battle fader (ultra rare)
Big piece golem (common)
Changing destiny (common)
Clock resonator (super rare)  
Creation resonator (super rare)   
Crimson blader (rare)  
Crimson fire (common) 
Dark bug (rare)
Dark highlader (ultra rare)  
Dark resonator (super rare)  
Dark tinker (common) 
Dread dragon (rare)  
Exploder dragonwing (super rare)  
Extra veiler (common) 
Fiendish chain (rare) 
Flare resonator (common)
Force resonator (common) 
Half or nothing (common)
Influence dragon (common)
Lancer archfiend (common)
Lancer dragonute (common) 
Lineage of destruction (common) 
Mad archfiend (super rare)  
Magic hole golem (common)
Majestic red dragon (super rare)   
Medium piece golem (common) 
Mind trust (common) 
Phantom lord hide ride (common) 
Power breaker (common) 
Power giant (super rare)   
Power invader (super rare)  
Power supplier (common)
Prideful roar (super rare)   
Red carpet (super rare)  
Red dragon archfiend (ultra rare)
Red dragon vase (common)
Red screen (common) 
Resonant destruction (super rare)   
Resonator call (rare) 
Resonator engine (super rare) 
Revival gift (common)
Scarlet security (super rare)  
Sirius the blue dog star (super rare)  
Slate warrior (super rare)  
Small piece golem (common) 
Spacegate (common) 
Sword master (common) 
Synchro deflector (super rare)   
Synchro magnet (common)
Synchro soldier (common)
Top runner (common) 
Trap eater (super rare)   
Trust guardian (super rare) 
Twin-shield defender (common) 
Twin-sword marauder (super rare) 
Vice berserker (common)
Vice dragon (ultra rare) 

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