Este pack cuesta: 62.500 starchips
Cartas totales =49
Cartas (common) = 17
Cartas (Rare) =10
Cartas (Super rare) =14
Cartas (Ultra rare) =8
Againt the wind (rare)
Black feather beacon (common)
Black return (super rare)
Black thunder
Black whirlwind (ultra rare)
Blackback (rare)
Blackwing - armor master
(ultra rare)
Blackwing - aurora the northern (super rare)
Blackwing - backlash (super rare)
Blackwing - blizzard the far north (ultra rare)
Blackwing - bombardment
(super rare)
Blackwing - boodytrap (common)
Blackwing - bora the spear (rare)
Blackwing - boreas the sharp (super rare)
Blackwing - brisote the tailwind (common)
Blackwing - calima the haze (common)
Blackwing - elphin the raven (super rare)
Blackwing - etesian of two swords (common)
Blackwing - fane the steel chain (common)
Blackwing - gale the whirlwind (ultra rare)
Blackwing - ghibli the searing wind (super rare)
Blackwing - gust the backblast (super rare)
Blackwing - hillen the tengu-wind (super rare)
Blackwing - jetstream the blue sky (common)
Blackwing - jin the rain shadow (super rare)
Blackwing - kalut the moon (ultra rare)
Blackwing - kochi the daybreak (common)
Blackwing - kogarashi the wanderer (super rare)
Blackwing - mistral the silver (common)
Blackwing - shura the blue flame (ultra rare)
Blackwing - silverwind the ascendent (super rare)
Blackwing - sirocco the dawn (ultra rare)
Blackwing - vayu the emblem of honor (ultra rare)
Blackwing armed wing (rare)
Black-winged strafe (common)
Cards for black feathers
Defenders intersect (super rare)
Delta crow - anti reverse
Ebon arrow
Fake feather
Guard mines
Hunter of black feathers
(super rare)
Level retuner
Raptor wing strike (common)
Trap stun (rare)
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