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Dark signer ftw pack:
Este pack cuesta:  67.500 starchips
Cartas totales =39
Cartas (common) =21
Cartas (Rare) = 1
Cartas (Super rare) =  15
Cartas (Ultra rare) =  2

Ape fighter (super rare)
Ape magician (common)
Apocatequil (common)
Closed forest (super rare)
Dark diviner (super rare)
Dark flattop (super rare)
Dark spider (common)
Destruct potion (common)
Earthbound linewalker (super rare)
Earthbound revival (super rare)
Earthbound wave (common)
Fire ant ascator (common)
Frozen fitzgerald (super rare)
Ground spider (common)
Informer spider (common)
Lair wire (super rare)
Meteor flare (common)
Moon dragon quilla (ultra rare)
Mother spider (common)
Oracle of the sun (super rare)
Roaring earth (common)
Spider egg (common)
Spider web (common)
Spiders`lair (super rare)
Spyder spider (super rare)
Sun dragon inti (ultra rare)
Supay (common)
Weeping idol (common)
Zeman the ape king (super rare)

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