Este pack cuesta: 67.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 41
Cartas (common) = 21
Cartas (Rare) = 5
Cartas (Super rare) = 12
Cartas (Ultra rare) =3
Barrier wave (common)
Battle instinct (common)
Bicorn re`em
Chain whirlwind (super rare)
D.D. unicorn knight (common)
Delta flyer (super rare)
Divine relic mjollnir (super rare)
Dverg of the nordic alfar
(super rare)
Egotistical ape (ultra rare)
Garmr of the nordic beasts (common)
Guldfaxe of the nordic beasts (super rare)
Howl of the wild (common)
Ljosalf of the nordic alfar (common)
March towards ragnarok (common)
Mimir of the nordic ascendant (common)
Nordic relic brisingamen (common)
Nordic relic draupnir (super rare)
Nordic relic gungnir (super rare)
Nordic relic laevateinn
(super rare)
Nordic relic megingjord
Odin`s eye
Parallel selection (common)
Playful possum
Reanimation wave (common)
Rhinotaurus (common)
Solemn authority (super rare)
Svartalf of the nordic alfar (common)
Tanngrisnir of the nordic beasts (super rare)
The golden apples (ultra rare)
The nordic lights (common)
Trident warrior (rare)
Tyr of the nordic champions (super rare)
Unibird (super rare)
Unicorn beacon
Uni-horned familiar (common)
Vanadis of the nordic ascendant (ultra rare)
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