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Pharaoh`s curse pack:
Este pack cuesta:  47.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 93
Cartas (common) = 60
Cartas (Rare) = 8
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 5

Alpha the magnet warrior (common) 
Arcana knight joker (ultra rare) 
Archfiend of gilfer (super rare) 
Berfomet (common) 
Berserker crush (super rare) 
Beta the magnet warrior (common)  
Black magic ritual (common) 
Buster blader (super rare) 
Card ejector (super rare) 
Chimera the flying mythical beast (common)  
Chrysalis chicky (common)  
Chrysalis dolphin (common) 
Chrysalis larva (common)  
Chrysalis mole (common)  
Chrysalis pantail (common)  
Chrysalis pinny (common)  
Cocoon party (common)  
Cocoon rebirth (rare)  
Cocoon veil (common)  
Common soul (common) 
Contact (common)  
Contact out (super rare) 
Convert contact (common) 
Cross porter (common) 
Curse of dragon (common) 
Dark magic attack (super rare) 
Dark magic curtain (super rare) 
Dark magician (common)  
Dark magician girl (super rare) 
Dark paladin (ultra rare) 
Dark sage (common)  
Detonate (super rare) 
Diffusion wave-motion (super rare) 
Elemental hero air neos (super rare) 
Elemental hero aqua neos (common)
Elemental hero chaos neos (common)
Elemental hero dark neos (common)
Elemental hero flare neos (common)
Elemental hero glow neos (common)
Elemental hero grand neos (common)
Elemental hero magna neos (common)  
Elemental hero marine neos (common)
Elemental hero neos (ultra rare)
Elemental hero neos alius (super rare)
Elemental hero neos knight (rare)  
Emblem of dragon destroyer (common)
Gaia the dragon champion (common)
Gaia the fierce knight (common) 
Gamma the magnet warrior (common)  
Gazelle the king of mythical beasts (common) 
Instant neo space (super rare)
Jack`s knight (common) 
King`s knight (common)
kuriboh (super rare) 
Magic formula (common)
Magician`s vakyria (rare)  
Multiply (common)
Mystical elf (common)  
Neo space pathfinder (super rare) 
Neo space (rare)  
Neos force (common)
Neos wiseman (common)
Neo-spacian air hummingbird (super rare) 
Neo-spacian aqua dolphin (common)
Neo-spacian dark panther (common)
Neo-spacian flare scarab (common)  
Neo-spacian glow moss (common)
Neo-spacian grand mole (ultra rare)  
Neo-spacian marine dolphin (common)
Neo-spacian twinkle moss (common)
Nex (common)
Queen`s knight (common) 
Reverse of neos (common)
Sage`s stone (common)
Skilled dark magician (rare)  
Skilled white magician (super rare) 
Space gift (common)
Summoned skull (common)  
Swift gaia the fierce knight (super rare) 
The flute of summoning kuriboh (rare)  
Thousand knives (common)
Time wizard (super rare) 
Transcendent wings (common)
Valkyrion the magna warrior (common)
Watapon (common)
Winged kuriboh (super rare) 
Winged kuriboh Lv10 (common)
Winged kuriboh Lv9 (rare)  
Wrath of neos (rare)  

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