Este pack cuesta: 42.500 starchips
Cartas totales =106
Cartas (common) = 47
Cartas (Rare) = 18
Cartas (Super rare) = 16
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 25
Abyss dweller (super rare)
Abyss warrior
Abyssquall = Abyss-squall (super rare)
Abyssphere = Abyss-sphere (ultra rare)
Abyss-scale of cetus (common)
Abyss-scale of the kraken (common)
Abyss-scale of the mizuchi (common)
Abyss-strom (rare)
After the storm (common)
Aqua armor ninja (common)
Aquamirror cycle (common)
Armor kappa (super rare)
Atlantean attack squad (common)
Atlantean dragon rider = Atlantean dragoons (ultra rare)
Atlantean armed soldier = Atlantean heavy infantry
(ultra rare)
Atlantean marksman (common)
Aurora wing
Bahamut shark (ultra rare)
Big whale (rare)
Blizzard falcon (common)
Blue dragon ninja (super rare)
Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier (ultra rare)
Bubble bringer (super rare)
Deep sweeper (common)
Different dimension deepsea (common)
Distant sea knight (rare)
Double shark (common)
Eagle shark (common)
Evilshki levianima (ultra rare)
Fishborg archer (common)
Fishborg launcher (common)
Fishborg planter (common)
Gagaguard (rare)
Gishki avance (super
Gishki natalia (super rare)
Gishki psychelone (super rare)
Gishki zielgigas (ultra rare)
Hammer shark (rare)
Hanged man of prophecy
High tide on fire island
Ice beast zerofyne (rare)
Imairuka (rare)
Legendary atlantean tridon
Lemuria, the forgotten citty
Lost blue breaker (ultra rare)
Masked hero acid (super rare)
Mecha sea dragon plesion
Mermail abyssbalaen (ultra rare)
Mermail abyssdine (super rare)
Mermail abyssgaios (ultra rare)
Mermail abyssgunde (rare)
Mermail abysshilde (common)
Mermail abyssleed (ultra rare)
Mermail abysslinde (ultra rare)
Mermail abysslung (common)
Mermail abyssmander (rare)
Mermail abyssmegalo (ultra rare)
Mermail abyssnose (common)
Mermail abyssocea (common)
Mermail abysspike (rare)
Mermail abyssteus (ultra rare)
Mermail abysstrite (super rare)
Mermail abyssturge (rare)
Metallizing parasite - soltile
Moulinglacia the elemental lord (ultra rare)
Nimble angler (common)
Number 19: freezadon (ultra rare)
Number 30: acid golem of Destruction
Number 32: shark drake (ultra rare)
Number 47: nightmare shark (ultra rare)
Number C32: shark drake vice (ultra rare)
Numen erat testudo (common)
Panther shark (common)
Piercieng moray (ultra rare)
Poseidra, the atlantean dragon (ultra rare)
Puny penguin (common)
Puny shark (common)
Rioto harpyuia, the sub-zero
Sea lancer (rare)
Shark kaizer (common)
Sharkraken (common)
Shocktopus (common)
Slushy (rare)
Snow dragon (common)
Snowdust dragon (common)
Snowdust giant (rare)
Snowman creator (common)
Spear shark (common)
Spellbook magician of prophecy (ultra rare)
Starfish (common)
Steam synchron (super rare)
Stream, dragon ruler of droplets
Thalia, princess of cherry (super rare)
Tin goldfish (super
Torrential reborn (ultra rare)
Tripod fish (common)
Trishula, dragon of the ice barrier (ultra rare)
Uminotaurus (rare)
Water dragon (super
Wind-up carrier zenmaity (ultra rare)
Wind-up shark (super
Xyz dimension splash (common)
Xyz remora
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