pagina 4 - 008

Special gift 2 pack:
Este pack cuesta:  45.000 starchips
Cartas totales =100
Cartas (common) = 40
Cartas (Rare) = 30
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 10

A major upset (common)
Alien overlord (common) 
Athena (rare)  
Axe of fools (ultra rare) 
Big evolution pill (common) 
Black salvo (common)  
Blast sphere (common)  
Blood mefist (super rare) 
Cards from the sky (common) 
Chain energy (common)  
Consecrated light (common) 
Cyber dragon (rare)  
Daigusto phoenix (super rare) 
Dark bug (rare)  
Dark ruler ha des (rare)  
Dawn of the herald (common) 
Destiny end dragoon (super rare) 
Dragunity aklys (common) 
Drill warrior (rare)
Dust tornado (rare) 
Evigishki gustkraken (common)  
Featherizer (rare)  
Flamvell uruquizas (rare)  
Forbidden lance (rare)  
Frostosaurus (rare)  
Gachi gachi gantetsu (common)  
Gem-knight ruby (common) 
Glorious illusion (super rare) 
Gokipon (ultra rare) 
Great shogun shien (common)  
Hecatrice (rare)  
Howling insect (ultra rare)  
Inverse universe (common)  
Junk destroyer (rare)  
Jurrac giganoto (common)  
Kaibaman (common) 
Kinka-byo (rare)  
Lava golem (common)  
Liberty at last! (common) 
Lock cat (rare)  
Luminous spark (super rare) 
Magical merchant (common) 
Masked dragon (common) 
Mine mole (common)  
Molten destruction (rare)  
Morphtronic radion (rare)  
Naturia cliff (super rare) 
Necro gardna (super rare) 
Nova summoner (common) 
Ojama country (ultra rare)  
Phantom skyblaster (common)  
Poison of the old man (super rare) 
Puppet master (common)  
Quillbolt hedgehog (rare)  
Rescue rabbit (rare)  
Scrap archfiend (common)  
Scrap searcher (rare)  
Scrapyard (super rare) 
Shield crush (rare)  
Shooting star dragon (super rare) 
Snake rain (super rare) 
Solidary (ultra rare) 
Steelswarm mantis (common)  
Submarineroid (common) 
Summoner of illusions (super rare) 
Supreme arcanite magician (super rare) 
Swing of memories (common) 
T.G. cyber magician (super rare) 
The immortal bushi (ultra rare)  
Toon table of contents (super rare)
Trap stun (ultra rare) 
Twilight rose knight (super rare) 
upstart goblin (rare)  
Volcanic rocket (super rare) 
Wind-up magician (ultra rare)  

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