Este pack cuesta: 45.000 starchips
Cartas totales =100
Cartas (common) = 40
Cartas (Rare) = 30
Cartas (Super rare) = 20
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 10
A major upset (common)
Alien overlord
Amazonees swords woman (common)
Ancient city - rainbow ruins (super rare)
Athena (rare)
Axe of fools (ultra rare)
Big evolution pill (common)
Black salvo (common)
Blast sphere (common)
Blood mefist (super
Burial from a different dimension
Cards from the sky (common)
Chain energy (common)
Chimeratech fortress dragon
Consecrated light (common)
Cyber dragon (rare)
Daigusto phoenix (super rare)
Dark bug (rare)
Dark ruler ha des (rare)
Dawn of the herald (common)
Delta crow - anti reverse
Destiny end dragoon (super rare)
Djinn releaser of rituals
Dragnity knight - gae dearg
Dragunity aklys (common)
warrior (rare)Dust tornado (rare)
Elemental hero great tornado (common)
Elemental hero woodsman (common)
Evigishki gustkraken
Featherizer (rare)
Flamvell uruquizas (rare)
Forbidden lance (rare)
Frostosaurus (rare)
Gachi gachi gantetsu
Garoth, lightsworn warrior (rare)
Gem-knight ruby (common)
Genez ally triforce (rare)
Gladiator beast darius (rare)
illusion (super rare)
Gokipon (ultra rare)
Great shogun shien
Hecatrice (rare)
Howling insect (ultra rare)
Inverse universe (common)
Junk destroyer (rare)
Jurrac giganoto (common)
Kaibaman (common)
Karakuri shogun mdl 00 `Burei` (super rare)
Kinka-byo (rare)
Lava golem (common)
Liberty at last! (common)
Lock cat (rare)
Luminous spark (super rare)
Machina peacekeeper (rare)
Mafallion of the ice barrier
Magical merchant (common)
Malefic cyber end dragon (common)
Masked dragon (common)
Meklord emperor granel (rare)
Mine mole (common)
Molten destruction (rare)
Morphtronic radion (rare)
Naturia cliff (super
Necro gardna (super
Nightmare`s steelcage (rare)
Nova summoner (common)
Ojama country (ultra rare)
Phantom skyblaster
Poison of the old man (super rare)
Preparation of rites (rare)
Puppet master (common)
Quillbolt hedgehog (rare)
Rescue rabbit (rare)
Royal firestorm guards (common)
Scrap archfiend (common)
Scrap searcher (rare)
Scrapyard (super
Shield crush (rare)
Shooting star dragon (super rare)
Snake rain (super
Solidary (ultra
Steelswarm mantis (common)
Submarineroid (common)
Summoner of illusions (super rare)
Supreme arcanite magician (super rare)
Swing of memories (common)
T.G. cyber magician (super rare)
The agent of mystery - earth (super rare)
The earth - hex-sealed fusion (ultra rare)
The immortal bushi (ultra rare)
table of contents (super rare)
Trap stun (ultra
Twilight rose knight (super rare)
upstart goblin (rare)
Uria, lord of searing flames (ultra rare)
Volcanic rocket (super rare)
Wind-up magician (ultra rare)
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