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Fire legion pack:
Este pack cuesta:  47.500 starchips
Cartas totales =96
Cartas (common) =37
Cartas (Rare) =23
Cartas (Super rare) =18
Cartas (Ultra rare) =18

Achacha chanbara (common) 
Battlin` boxer counterpunch (common)  
Battlin` boxer glassjaw (common) 
Battlin` boxer headgeared (common)  
Battlin` boxer lead yoke (rare)  
Battlin` boxer sparrer (common) 
Battlin` boxer switchitter (common)  
Blaster, dragon ruler of infernos (rare)  
Bonfire colossus (ultra rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - bear (ultra rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - boar (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - buffalo (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - cardinal commander (ultra rare)
Brotherhood of the fire fist - chiken (ultra rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - deer (common)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - dragon (super rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - gorilla (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - hawk (common)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - horse prince (super rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - kirin (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - panther = Brotherhood of the fire fist - leopard (common)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - lion emperor (super rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - raven (common)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - rhino (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - shallow (super rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - snake (super rare) 
Brotherhood of the fire fist - spirit (rare)  
Brotherhood of the fire fist - tiger king (ultra rare)
Brotherhood of the fire fist - wolf (common)  
Brushfire knight (rare)  
Burner, dragon ruler of sparks (common) 
Chow len the prophet (common)  
Circle of the fire king (super rare) 
Coach king giantrainer (ultra rare)  
Enthusiastic beast king bearman (ultra rare) 
Enthusiastic beast wolfberk (ultra rare) 
Evo-branch (common) 
Evo-diversity (rare)  
Evo-force (super rare) 
Evo-instant (rare)  
Evolsaur darwino (common)
Evolsaur elias (common)
Evolsaur pelta (rare)
Evolsaur terias (common)
Evoltie casinerio (rare)
Evoltile elginero (super rare)
Evoltile lagosucho (common)
Evoltile najasho (super rare)
Evoltile pleuro (common)
Evolzar dolkka (ultra rare)
Evolzar solda (ultra rare)
Evo-price (rare)
Fire formation - gyokkou (super rare)
Fire formation - kaiyo (common)
Fire formation - tenken (common)
Fire formation - tenki (common)
Fire formation - tensen (common)
Fire formation - tensu (common)
Fire formation - yoko (super rare)
Fire king avatar barong (rare)
Fire king avatar garunix (common)
Fire king avatar kirin (rare)
Fire king avatar yaksha (super rare)
Fire king high avatar garunix (ultra rare)
Fire dance longsword = Kamaitachi (common)
Flame armor ninja (common)
Flame tiger (common)
Hazy flame basiltrice (rare)
Hazy flame cerberus (common)
Hazy flame griffin (common)
Hazy flame mantikor (rare)
Hazy flame peryton (rare)
Hazy flame sphynx (common)
Hazy flame  hyppogrif (common)
High tide on fire island (common)
Inari fire (common)
Infernal flame vixen (rare)

Kickfire (ultra rare)
Laval phlogis (super rare)
Lavalval chain (ultra rare)
Metaion, the timelord (ultra rare)
Number 105: Battlin` boxer star (super rare)
Number 61: volcasaurus (ultra rare)
Number C105: Battlin`boxer (ultra rare)
Onslaught of the fire kings (super rare)
Pyrorex the elemental lord (ultra rare)
Pyrotech mech - shiryu (rare)
Red dragon ninja (super rare)
Red duston (common)
Sealing ceremony of katon (common)
Strength of prophecy (common)
V salamander (rare)
Valkyrian knight (super rare) 
Vulcan the divine = beast god vulcan (super rare)
Wind-up zenmaines (ultra rare)
ZW - phoenix bow (rare)

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