Este pack cuesta: 47.500 starchips
Cartas totales =135
Cartas (common) =39
Cartas (Rare) =19
Cartas (Super rare) = 36
Cartas (Ultra rare) =41
Adreus, keeper of armageddon (ultra
Alchemic magician (super rare)
Ancient fairy dragon (ultra
Ancient sorcerer (common)
Archfiend commander (ultra rare)
Armor blast (super rare)
Bacon saver (common)
Beetron (ultra
Blackwing - gram the shining star (ultra rare)
Caligo claw crow (common)
Chaos zone (common)
Creeping darkness (super rare)
Cxyz dark fairy chee girl (rare)
Damage mage (common)
Dark mambele (common)
Darkflare dragon (ultra rare)
Darklon (common)
Darkstorm dragon (super rare)
D-boyz (ultra
Divine dragon apocralyph
Dragorado (ultra
DZW - chimera cloth (rare)
Emperor of prophecy (rare)
Evilswarm azzathoth (super rare)
Evilswarm bahamut (ultra rare)
Evilswarm castor (super rare)
Evilswarm golem (super rare)
Evilswarm heliotrope (super rare)
Evilswarm hraesvelg (super rare)
Evilswarm kerykeion (super rare)
Evilswarm ketos (super rare)
Evilswarm mandragora (super rare)
Evilswarm nightmare (super rare)
Evilswarm O`lantern (super rare)
Evilswarm obliviwisp (super rare)
Evilswarm ophion (ultra rare)
Evilswarm ouroboros (ultra rare)
Evilswarm salamandra (super rare)
Evilswarm thunderbird (ultra rare)
zahak (super rare)
Evilsworm coppelia (super rare)
Evilsworm thanatos (ultra rare)
Familiar-possessed - dharc (common)
Final inzektion (rare)
Gagaga child (common)
Gagaga girl (ultra rare)
Garbage lord (common)
Garbage ogre (common)
Gearshpring spirit (super rare)
Gimmick puppet dreary doll(super rare)
Gimmick puppet magnet doll(super rare)
Gogogo ghost (common)
Hierophant of prophecy (ultra rare)
Ignoble knight of black laundsallyn (super rare)
Illusory snatcher (super rare)
Infernity archer (rare)
Infernity general (ultra rare)
infection (ultra rare)
Infestation pandemic (ultra rare)
Infestation terminus (super rare)
Interplanetarypurplythorny beast
Interplanetarypurplythorny dragon
Inzektor ant (common)
Inzektor axe - zektahawk (super rare)
Inzektor centipede (common)
Inzektor dragonfly (rare)
Inzektor earwing (common)
Inzektor exa-beetle (ultra rare)
Inzektor exa-stag (ultra rare)
Inzektor firefly (common)
Inzektor gauntlet (common)
Inzektor giga-cricket (rare)
Inzektor giga-mantis (ultra rare)
Inzektor giga-weevil (common)
Inzektor hopper (rare)
hornet (super rare)
Inzektor ladybug (common)
Inzektor orb (rare)
sword - zektkaliber (ultra rare)
Kagemusha knight (super rare)
King of the feral imps (common)
Knight of the archfiends (rare)
Lady of d. (common)
Latinum, exarch of dark world (ultra rare)
Maestroke the symphony djinn (super rare)
Magic recycler (common)
Magical undertaker
Malefic truth dragon (super rare)
Mara of the nordic alfar (ultra rare)
Mono synchron (super
Morpho butterspy (common)
Ninja grandmaster hanzo (ultra rare)
11: big eye (ultra rare)
Number 15: gimmick puppet - giant grinder
(ultra rare)
Number 22: fran ke = Number 22: zombiestein (ultra rare)
Number 40: gimmick puppet of stringsD (ultra rare)
Number 50: blackship of corn (ultra rare)
Number 53: heart-earth (ultra rare)
Number 66: master key beetle (super rare)
Number 88: gimmick puppet - of leo (ultra rare)
Number 92: heart-earth dragon (ultra rare)
Number 96: dark mist (ultra rare)
C104: masquerade (super rare)
Pain painter (ultra rare)
Phantom bounzer (common)
tool mecha dragon (super rare)
Prophecy destroyer (ultra rare)
Queen dragun djinn (super rare)
Reaper of prophecy (super rare)
Red-headed oni (common)
Schwarzschild, the limit dragon
Shark fortress (common)
Sophia, goddess of rebirth (ultra rare)
Straggling force (common)
Swallowtail butterspy (common)
Tardy orc (ultra
Tour bus from the underworld (ultra rare)
Tour guide from the underworld (ultra rare)
Trance archfiend (common)
Trick archfiend (rare)
Trifortressops (rare)
Umbralis ghoul (common)
Umbralis unform (common)
Umbralis will-o`-the-wisp
Vampire dragon (ultra rare)
Variable form (common)
Void ogre dragon
(super rare)
Wheel of prophecy (rare)
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