Este pack cuesta: 47.500 starchips
Cartas totales = 94
Cartas (common) = 48
Cartas (Rare) = 16
Cartas (Super rare) = 15
Cartas (Ultra rare) = 15
Advance zone (ultra rare)
Air armor ninja (common)
Armor ninjitsu art of alchemy (super rare)
Armor ninjitsu art of rust mist (super rare)
B.E.S. tetran (super rare)
Berserk scales
Bounzer guard
Catapult zone
Charloteer of prophecy (common)
Chronomaly`pyramid eye tablet (common)
Claiomh solais the hazehawk (super rare)
Commander of swords (common)
Constellar meteor (super rare)
Descending lost star (common)
Dimension gate
Dodger dragon (super rare)
Double defender (common)
Draconnection (ultra rare)
Duck fighter (super rare)
Fall of the bujin (common)
Fish and swaps (rare)
Flery fervor
Forbidden dress = Forbidden garment (super rare)
Full-force strike (rare)
Gagagabolt (rare)
Galaxy queen`s light (common)
Geargiagear (super rare)
Gishki photomirror (super rare)
Goblin circus
Gravity blaster (common)
Dragon shrine = Hallowed dragon boneyard
(super rare)
Hysteric sign (super rare)
Inversion glasses (common)
Jewels of the valiant (common)
Jurrac impact
Lucky punch
Magnum shield
Masked ninja ebisu (common)
Mecha phantom beast (ultra rare)
Mecha phantom beast harriard (common)
Mecha phantom beast stealthray (common)
Mecha phanton beast warburan (rare)
Memory of an adversary (super rare)
Mind drain
Night beam (ultra rare)
Nitwit outwit
Noble arms - caliburn (super rare)
Nomadic force
Orient dragon (ultra rare)
Painful return (rare)
Pin-point guard = Pinpoint guard (ultra rare)
Pole position
Psychic shockwave (ultra rare)
Quick booster (ultra rare)
Rebound (super rare)
Sargasso`s lighthouse (common)
Sealing ceremony of raiton (common)
Shrine of mist valley (rare)
Smashing horn (ultra rare)
Soul drain (rare)
Spellbook of eternity (rare)
Spellbook of judgment (ultra rare)
Spellbook of secrets (ultra rare)
Spellbook of wisdom (rare)
Spikeshield with chain (rare)
Spirit of the winds (common)
Star light, star bright (common)
Swords of burning light (common)
That wacky alchemy! (ultra rare)
The bujin armament apparition (common)
The huge revolution is over (common)
The seal of orichalcos (ultra rare)
Token christmas (rare)
Trial and tribulation (ultra rare)
Unification (common)
Vertical landing (common)
Weights zenmaisures (rare)
Windrose the elemental lord (ultra rare)
Zenmailstrom (common)
ZW - eagle claw (common)
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