pagina 4 - 016

Random stuff 2 pack:
Este pack cuesta:  47.500 starchips
Cartas totales =  94
Cartas (common) =  49
Cartas (Rare) =  12
Cartas (Super rare) =  19
Cartas (Ultra rare) =   14

Aerial recharge (common)
Attack the moon! (super rare)
Battle break (common)
Bound wand (super rare)
Breakthrough skill (ultra rare)
Chachaka archer (super rare)
Cold feet (common)
Degen-force (common)
De-spell (common)
Dicephoon (common)
Dotedotengu (common)
Double payback (common)
Dragoncarnation (common)
Dust storm of gusto (super rare)
Falling current (common)
Final gesture (common)
Full house (rare)
Gagagaback (super rare)
Gagagarush (common)
Gagagawind (common)
Gamushara (common)
Ghost fairy elfobia (super rare)
Gladiator taming (ultra rare)
Gotterdammerung (common)
Gusto griffin (super rare)
Hazy glory (common)
Iran call (ultra rare)
Junk puppet (super rare)
Just desserts (common)
Magic deflector (common)
Memory loss (common)
Mesmerizing trap hole (super rare)
One-shot wand (common)
Phoenix beast gairuda (super rare)
Piyo kokko (common)
Primordial soup (common)
Puzzle reborn (common)
Reborn tengu (super rare)
Retort (ultra rare)
Royal prison (rare)
Scramble!! scramble!! (ultra rare)
Shapeshister (ultra rare)
Shuttleroid (rare)
Sonic boom (common)
Spell wall (common)
Spellbook of fate (ultra rare)
Summon breaker (common)
Tannhauser gate (super rare)
That one! (common)
Three of a kind (common)
Transtarn (ultra rare)
Turnabout (common)
Utopia buster (super rare)
Void trap hole (super rare)
Where arf thou? (common)
Zekit conversion (ultra rare)
Zerozerock (common)

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